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Hello Kind Humans I am Odie and here's my story!

Someone dumped me on the streets of Redondo where I was utterly terrified and I ran, and I ran and I RAN for over a week straight dodging caras and literally starving to death, MANY people tried to catch me to get me to safety but I was so SCARED no one could.


The day came when I was so sick and EXHAUSTED that I just collapsed on the pier and it was only then that a COMPASSIONATE Lady was able to pick me up, put me in her car and rush me to the closest vet (Thank You to HER and to VCA Hermosa 🩷)

I was in awful shape so the hospital kept me and got me healthy while every effort was made for a month to find my owner. Sadly, no one ever responded to posts or flyers-it was so obvious I was not wanted anymore 😭 (oh yeah, I had no ID on and was not neutered or chipped-shocker!)

They didn' want me going to the pound so they asked this rescue to help me out by getting me into training and finding me a home where I will be kept SAFE and LOVED.

I am a 1.5 years old male STUNNING brindle Pittie mix and weigh 50 pounds

Even tho I've now been with a fabulous trainer @spectrumdogs for a month and I am still slowly building my confidence I am still afraid of some people and certain noises but I just KNOW that there's a special human out there who is patient and who can help me learn that the world is not such a scary place!

I'm also great with other dogs and cats and I NEED to be in a quiet adult only home that has a balanced dog or dogs so I can learn from them too!

I also am excellent on a leash and know command and am crate trained!

Do you think that you can be my FOREVER HUMAN?

If so please fill out an application to make me yours! I look forward to meeting you!

I am in the Southern CA area-sorry but my rescue does NOT adopt out of state

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